I Believe in Wyoming
So this discussion came up on the way home from our Jr. High Fall Retreat. It all started when I told the kids on my bus that I didn't believe in Wyoming. I mean think about it. Have you ever seen a liscense plate from Wyoming? I haven't! What comes from Wyoming? Idaho is famous for potatoes. Wisconsin for cheese. Wyoming...nada, nothing comes to mind. So why should I believe in Wyoming? I've never met anyone from there. I don't know what comes from there. I've never seen a picture from there. Don't know of any reason why I should believe in Wyoming. Is it a government conspiracy? Maybe we only had 49 states but someone thought the nice round number of 50 would be better so they rounded up & made up the state of Wyoming. I don't know. The whole thing seems bizarre to me. Why should I believe in Wyoming? No one has offered me any hard evidence it is true or that it really exists.
Actually, (you know what I'm about to say) I do believe in Wyoming. No, I've never been there, never seen a liscense plate from there, don't know what comes from there. But I believe in Wyoming. The fact of the matter is I don't have to see it to believe in it. I don't have to meet someone from there to know that it is an actual place that actually exists. I believe in Wyoming for the same reason I believe in a lot of things.
And I believe in things that matter a lot more than Wyoming. I believe in God. I believe in brotherly love. I believe in serving. I believe in hope. I believe in people. I believe in things I can't explain, can't see, can't resolve, can't define, can't locate, & can't understand.
I believe in Wyoming, do you?