When is enough enough? I love to run, and you might say I'm a fair weather runner. The exercise it provides is nice & all, but when it's cold outside...I'm just not that committed. I hate to run in the winter time. This time of year, it's just too cold. But in the summertime I love to start the day with a run. Whenever I turn the corner & begin to make my way home, I always start to get excited about that cold glass of gatoraid waiting for me in the fridge. As soon as I make it to the kitchen, I start gulping it down. The only thing is, I can't seem to get enough. The heat, the run, the exercise makes me so thirsty & I just can't get enough.
In 1 Kings 17 we find a cool story about Elijah & a widow. Elijah, the prophet, went to her as the Lord had told him, & asked her for some food & water.
You have to understand a little history here. The short of it is that there is a major famine in the land. Elijah was more or less responsible for that. He had told King Ahab that because Ahab did what was evil in the Lord's sight that it would not rain. And God was using Elijah to bring the people of Israel back to homeself. Ok, enough of the history. On to the cool part.
This widow Elijah approached told him, "I swear by the Lord that I don't have a single piece of bread in the house. I only have a handful of flour left & a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jug. I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal, & then my son & I will die."
This lady was in a pretty sad situation. But Elijah reassured her. He told her to go ahead & make her last meal, but to make him a little piece of bread first. He said afterward there will still be "enough" food for her & her son.
So she did. And from then on, verse 16 says, "there was always 'enough' left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised through Elijah."
A similar thing happened with Jesus in John 6. Over 5000 people had followed Jesus to hear more of His teaching. Jesus asked his disciples where they could get food to feed the crowd. They found a little boy who had brought his lunch. Jesus then preformed a great miracle. Over 5000 people ate lunch that day off of one little boy's lunch. And there were leftovers! 12 baskets were filled with leftovers. In short, there was more than enough.
I think God shows us on every page of scripture that He is more than enough for us. Chris Tomlin says it this way in one of my favorite songs:
All of you is more than enough for
All of me for every thirst & every need
You satisfy me with your love
And all I have in you is more than enough.
We can fill our lives with a lot of things & never feel like we have enough. I hope today you will let God be Enough.
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