Thursday, September 29, 2005

This is love

Jesus said in John 15:12-14,

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command."

He said that, & I believe he meant it. But then, Jesus takes things one step farther. He not only lays down his life for his friends - for those He loves, but He lays down His life for His enemies - for those that hated Him.

I had a professor @ Lipscomb, Randy Harris, who once started class by talking about the "irritant." An irritant, he said, is an irritant because they don't know they are irritating. That's what makes them an irritant. We all know people like this & have people in our lives we just don't necessarily like. The question for us is how do we treat these people in light of the cross?

The common response is to be nice & polite to these people that we just don't naturally get along with. To be cordial to those who hurt us. Maybe to even pray for them. But Jesus went far beyond tolerating those people - He laid down his life for those who loved Him & those who didn't love Him.

It's easy for us to love those who love us. And it's easy for us to love sacrificially for those who love us. But Jesus calls us to this "next level" of Christianity, if you will. To sacrifically love those who don't love us. To lay down our lives for those who hurt us, mistreat us, & irritate us. That's the real challenge. How do we do that in real, everyday, practical ways? That's up to us to live out.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Hope in the midst of the Storm

Jeremiah 51:15-19

In recent days we've witnessed great devastation. I don't have to say much to recall images you've witnessed from the newspaper, internet, & TV showing us the desructive power of this recent natural disaster called Katrina. Countless lives have been forever changed by this incredible storm.

But I wonder how many lives here at home have been & are being ravaged by the storms of life that have come. There are 3 "storm stories" I look to that give me hope when the storms of life come. Each found in Matthew. The first 2 occur with the disciples on the Sea of Galillee. In Matthew 8, Jesus is asleep in the boat. The winds & the waves are raging & the disciples wake up Jesus shouting, "Lord, save us!"

In Matthew 14, the disciples once again are in the boat in the middle of the sea when the storm comes. The disciples are terrified when they see a figure walking toward them on the water. The Jesus calls out to them & says three things.
He says, "It's alright."
"I am here."
"Do not be afraid."

2 times He has calmed the storm. In the third story, however, Jesus endures the storm for you & for me.

In Matthew 26 Jesus is in the garden. It's one incresible storm He is facing. And He's having to face it alone. 3 times He prays to His Father that this cup would pass from Him. But He yields His will to that of His Father.

2 times He calmed the storm. The third time, He endured it.

Each time Jesus was in the middle of the storm. And each time prayer was the resource that brought delieverence either from the storm, or through it.

When we face the storms of life, remember the words of Jesus when He says, "It's alright. I am here. Do not be afraid." Remember that He is always in the middle of the storm with you, & that He will see you through.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

War Eagle!

I'm at the game! War Eagle!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Psalm 130

From the depths of despair, O LORD,
I call for Your help.
Hear my cry, O LORD.
Pay attention to my prayer.

LORD, if You kept a record of our sins,
who, O Lord, could ever survive?
But You offer forgiveness,
that we might learn to fear You.

I am counting on the LORD;
yes, I am counting on Him.
I have put my hope in His word.
I long for the Lord
more than sentries long for the dawn,
yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.

O Israel, hope in the LORD;
for with the LORD there is unfailing love
and an overflowing supply of salvation.
He himself will free Israel
from every kind of sin.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cafe baba's ~ Thursday mornings at 7am. Ask Allison what kind of coffee to eat!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Greater & Greater

"He must become greater & greater, & I must become less & less." John 3:30 NLT

We've all heard this verse a thousand times, but lately it's just been on my mind. How do we live that? How is God becoming greater & greater in me? We say it on every mission trip. "It's not about me, it's about Him." But is that really true? On Sunday we sing "How great is our God" or "How Great Thou Art." But really the song we live out is "how great i am."

Everyone look at me & see what I'm doing. Let me have your attention please.

This is my struggle as much as yours. All I know today is that it takes a concerted effort to live John 3:30.

It takes a conscience effort to put others before my self.

It takes a purposeful act to do the job no one else wants to do.

It takes time, energy, & all my resources to live out John 3:30.

Ask John the Baptist. He had nothing to his name. Not a penny. No great house to show off. No fancy car or means of transportation. No brand name clothes. Nothing like that. There were a few guys that followed him & became his disciples. They bought into what he was selling. But when Jesus came along, he pointed them in His direction. And they followed Jesus. John's response, I must become less.

Today, i just want to make a decision to live John 3:30 on purpose. It won't be easy, but it should Great as I make much of You Jesus in my life. Behold, the Lamb of God.

Monday, September 12, 2005

greater|than> • part 3

Let me start by saying kudos to our Senior guys who led our SH Devo last night. These guys did an outstanding job. I really appreciate this Senior class & their willingness so far to be leaders, & step up in our youth group to lead our group this year in a way that glorifies & exalts GOD!

As we begin the school year, we're talking about the greatness of God. Our theme for the next 8 weeks, greater|than>, really says it all. Psalm 135.5 says it this way: "I know the greatness of the LORD, that our LORD is greater than any other God." Our God is great. And He wants to be great in you. Because when He is great in & through your life, His name receives glory. And everything God does He does for His glory. But how do we let God be great in our lives?

Take a look at the ring nebula.

It's a beautiful picture. It's the most photographed star in the galaxy. You see the tiny star on the left, right in the center of the beautiful colorful rings? That star is dying. That's right. And in it's dying it is producing these galactic gasses & star dust that makes these beautiful colorful rings that we see. You see, it's beauty comes from it's dying. The same is true of you & I.

We are most beautiful when we die to self & self trying. Paul said I am crucified with Christ & it's not me...but Christ who lives in me. We too are most beautiful when we die to ourselves & let Christ live in us.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

praying for patience

I've been waiting to write about this since Sunday. It's been one of those things that's been on my mind, percalating over the past few days. I found myself praying for patience Sunday morning during communion. Not praying that God would give me patience. But that God would be patient with me. Praying for patience. I realize more & more that I am not yet who God has called me to be. I haven't arrived yet. I'm not there yet. I need God to be patient with me. I realize I'm not good at loving people. For those of you who know me well, you may find it strange for me to say that. Don't get me wrong. I love those who love me well. But what about the lady in the checkout line at Wal-Mart. What about the guy I see at the gas station. What about those I cross paths with everyday, & ignore for the most part. What is my influence on them? Am I effectively reflecting the love of God? Are people seeing the joy of the Lord in my life? I sang a song when I was growing up in Sunday school. It went like this...

He's still working on me
To make me what I ought to be
It took Him just a week to make the moon & the stars
The earth & the sky & Jupitar & Mars
How loving & patient He must be
'Cause He's still working on me.

Thank you God for not giving up on me. For being patient with me. Father, make me what you want me to be. May I reflect your love & your glory to all those around, for Your name's sake.