Thursday, January 19, 2006


I love our thursday morning get togethers at Cafe Baba's. It's something I look forward to every time we do it. Mostly we hang out, talk & enjoy coffee. But we also take just a few minutes to share a verse or 2 & a prayer before the day starts. This morning we shared in Psalm 8. And we talked a lot about God's glory.

Glory has always been a difficult word for me to really get my mind around. I mean, what is it? How do we get it? How do you define it? What does it look like? What is God's glory? Now I still don't have it all figured out, but I have to say that one thing I learned in my Hebrew (language) class last semester was the meaning of glory. In Hebrew, the word means heavy, weight, or significance. So God's glory would be His weight, the sum of all the greatness that He is. It's His significance...His meaning-full-ness. So if God is significant, we are insignificant. If God is meaningful, we are meaningless. If God is infinite, we are finite. If God is heavy, we are lite. If God is great, we are small.

God's glory defines who He is in so many ways and reveals who we aren't. Psalm 8.5 says that God has crowned us with glory & honor. All that we aren't God redeems to make us who He wants us to be. He re-defines who we are by crowning us with His glory. And all that we are becomes evident in the light of His glory. Praise Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about glory too... made a post about it myself, actually. I keep asking myself "Why is it so hard for you to realize your self-worth in God? Why is it so hard for you to reflect God's glory? Why do you feel you have to get it from other people--who are searching for it just like you?" The answer I've come up with has its root in pride, but just because I've found the answer doesn't mean I've solved the problem. It's definitely something I've been working on.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.