Sunday, November 26, 2006


Temptation has been the latest topic we've been discussing in teen world at Mayfair. Our latest series entitled, "Pause: Because Everybody struggles" has been happening for the last month or so. We've gone back to the temptations of Jesus to try to figure a few things out.

I have learned a lot through this series. In particular, I continue to be drawn back to Jesus' second temptation. The temptation to test God. Satan took Jesus to the highest point of the temple & says Jump! The temptation? If Jesus jumps from the temple, angels will come to his rescue. All the priests, high priests, chief priests, religious leaders, the "who's who" of Jesus' day & time will know right then & there that Jesus is who he says he is & that Yahweh has great concern for this One. In fact, the stories might be true that when this man was baptized, a voice from heaven proclaimed, "This is My Son in Whom I AM well pleased!" (my paraphrase.) The temptation? To manipulate God to act on his behalf. To test God. To make plans & take actions & then ask God on the back end to bless those plans & actions.

How often do we do the same thing? Jump into something because it's what we want & then ask God to bless us. Ask God to intervene. If only we would start with God. If only I would start with God, with God's desires, with God's purposes in mind & ask Him what I should do to fulfill His plans. I know I'm so guilty of this. I take my "great" ideas & put them into action & ask God to bless them.

I've got it all backwards. It should all begin with God. He will bless those things He intends to happen. O that His desires would become my desires & His ways my ways. Help me Father to begin with You & let everything else go & evaporate into nothingness. And help me to be ready to go in the direction you point me in, knowing You have gone before me. Thank you, Father.

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